Featured Courses
Summer 2025
Consider these summer courses, which satisfy General Education Requirements in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and School of Computing and Information:
- Enjoying Performances
- Contemporary Global Stages: Disability & Performance on the Global Stage
- Introduction to Performance
Fall 2025
- Collective Creation: Devised Performance on the Global Stage
- Scenic Design 1
- Contemporary Actor Training
- New Performance Methods
Regularly Offered Courses by Area
- Enjoying Performances*
- Theatre and Collaboration
- Introduction to Dramatic Art
- Contemporary Global Stages
Performance Area
- Theatre and Collaboration
- Introduction to Performance
- Acting I, II, III
- Voice and Movement I, II
- Directing I, II
- Stage Management I, II
- Music for Theatre
- Special Topics in Performance
Design, Technology and Management Area
- Introduction to Theatre Design
- Theatrical Production
- Stagecraft I, II
- Stage Lighting I, II
- Scene Design I
- Costume Crafts
- Stage Makeup
- Costume Design I
- Special Topics in Design & Technology
History, Literature, Criticism Area
- World Theatre: 500 B.C.E. –1640
- World Theatre: 1640 –1890
- World Theatre: 1890 –1970
- Playwriting I, II
- Theatre Criticism
- Theatre Seminar
* Students who have taken an introductory level acting course or private acting lessons prior to attending Pitt, may be eligible to audition out of THEA 0830 - Introduction to Performance and transfer directly into THEA 1102 - Acting 1.
In order to schedule an audition/interview with Head of Performance Ricardo Vila-Roger, students must complete the Application to Audition Out Form.
If applicable, please include a headshot and/or resume.