Shelby Brewster
Shelby Brewster (PhD candidate) has been very busy this year:
She organized a panel at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) conference had in Boston, MA in August.
Her presentation of "Styrofoam Utopias:’Theatre, Nerd Culture, and Saving the World.” was at the Great Lakes Theatre Symposium at Bowling Green State University in January 2018.
She presented four papers:
- “Speculative Cultural Production from the Extractive Zone” Cultural Studies Graduate Colloquium. University of Pittsburgh. April 2018.
- “Plastic Post-Human Futures in Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest” Objects of Study: Methods and Materiality in Theatre and Performance Studies Conference. The Graduate Center, CUNY. May 2018.
- “Approaching the Paradox(es) of the Anthropocene through Performance; or, Planetary Praxis” Northwestern Summer Institute in Performance Studies. Evanston, IL.July 2018.
- "Jules Verne, Playwright?” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Boston, MA. August 2018
Her performance review of DODO by Bricolage Production Comapny, was published in Theatre Journal.
She wrote the glossary to the Routledge Companion to Theatre, Performance, and Cognitive Science, edited by Rick Kemp and Bruce McConachie.
In her academic career Shelby passed her comps, her prospectus defense and achieved candidacy!
She was also busy in the theatre as she directed two productions;
It Sounded Like a Good Idea in My Dreams (Conceived and performed by Ian Insect) at the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival and
Astronaut (or Frantic Action) written by Shelby Solla, produced by Hambones Theatre Company for the Pittsburgh New Works Festival Labworks.
Shelby also received a National Fellowship to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Humanities Without Walls Pre-Doctoral Career Diversity Summer Workshop.
Congratulations Shelby!